The Greeks devised a governance system to yield the best governance with the minimal possible coersion to the least people. Because unanimity is as rare as a fish with hair, they settled for Majority in lieu of the Whole. Cleisthenes called it “Democratia” and it stuck.
The Dark Ages exposed the dire consequences of extraneous governance and revived the affection for self-governance. The population grew and Civilization posed novel and complex requirements to governance. This was addressed by partitioning the ungovernable Whole into governable Parts, each sending a “representative” to a Parliament.
I will digress for some nomenclature. “He” means “human being”, this solely for the sake of priceless brevity. “Power” is the ability to make others conduct themselves differently than they would, if left to their conscience. “PoParty” is short for Political Party.
Democratia is a function of civilization and suffers persistent attack by god and tyrants. Governance lag behind civilization allows extra oppression which fosters the allure for Democratia. However, not unlike the soldiers who “kill each other for Peace”, oppressors fake dedication to democratia to disguise tyranny.
Amassing a few hundred MPs, each ostensibly representing a hundred thousand constituents, and expecting them to “govern” 40 million Canadians is convenient hallucination.
The rationale for the consolidation of many million citizens into a few hundred decision-makers is arguably sane, except that it renders Parliament prone to “divide and rule” mighty oppression tool. Freedom predators used it to remake Parliament into a Trojan horse smuggling Bullies into the helm of society.
Democratia needs protection from predators, much like the justice system does. But mind-manipulators maintain the nonsense that Law Makers may be corrupt as long as the Law Enforcers are sterling. The MPs are now swarmed by “Lobbyists” whose aim is to re-mandate them to serve their clients instead of the citizenry. Now 7,536 Lobbyists work the 338 MPs of Canada ... That is over 22 Lobbyists per MP! Only if the “unhoused” could afford Lobbyists ...
Imagine some bully-natured MPs forming a gang to take advantage of the Parliament divide-and-rule opportunity. This blackmailed the rest, the true to their calling MPs, to gang up to fight fire-with-fire. This changed the House into a cockfight pit. Elections became a bazaar where sugar daddies buy MPs House seats for subservience. The “gangs” were mask-named “Political Parties”. Jean Chretien encampsulated it all:
“To be frank politics is about wanting power, getting it, exercising it and keeping it. Helping people comes with it naturally, because you’ll never be elected if you treat people badly”.
People “helped” by Bullies are not free ...
As 2025 starts, we await Trudeau’s replacement to be imposed on us by those who saddled us with Trudeau for the past decade. Trudeau was merely a 10 year fluke, they insinuate.
The optimist I am, I see in that mess an opportunity. I suggest we experimentally expel from Parliament the PoParties. After all, they have no legitimate right to be there. In 2018, Justice Ward Branch declared “Ex Judicial Bench” that PoParties are “not legal entities”. Indeed, PoParties are wrenches in the gearbox of democratia.
Father Trudeau banned the State from the bedrooms of the nation, due to it being not a “sexual entity” I presume. Christ made lots of hay by violently expelling the merchants from the Temple! We vehemently fight back invasive weeds and beetles. The practice of exclusion from where one does not belong is firmly established.
On that background, I suggest a PoParties hiatus from Parliament. This on an experimental basis, to reveal the true nature of PoParties to those who cannot deduct the answer in the abstract.
In a Democratia any Few may form a PoParty and shout for or against Tom, Dick or Harry. But no one has licence to stand at the Parliament entrance to bar out who dare refuse subservience to a gang boss.
My idea is to relax the stranglehold PoParties have on our governance. To ban those who pre-enslave the MPs and deliver them to Party Whips. We need sidetrack them to let Democratia pull us ahead for a mere one 4-year run. I suggest PoParties be merely distanced from Parliament, like Lawyers are distanced from the Judges’ lunch rooms. I do not suggest we outlaw PoParties, nor that we silence them. I merely suggest that all votes in the House be “free votes”, that the MPs we elect are protected against shotgun marriage to PoParty bosses. Let’s ban the pimps from the girls schoolyard, let’s eliminate those who turn the peoples representatives into “trained seals” as Mulroney called them, “nobodies” as Trudeau did and fuddle duddled them, “rubberstamps”, as we, the populace call them.
The PoParties may generate and present ideas, make suggestions and even form “platforms”. MP candidates may freely adopt, oppose or ignore, PoParty items without fear of consequences or expectation of rewards. I do recognize and accept that MPs will be getting together on issues of mutual interest. After all, their calling is to sort out the grain from the chaff. Such divisions are about “issues” in contrast to PoParties members fighting for the “glory of the boss”, like the mercenaries of the French Foreign Legion.
For the Oct 20, 2025 Election, the Electoral Officer will publish one or two pamphlets in each electoral district for the candidates to present themselves to electors. Equal space, one or two pages to all, each writing his own spiel. This is all allowed, this to liberate the candidates from the sugar daddies, who rape their minds.
The change will render election attractive to those who now refuse to sell their minds to political pimps. And this alone is worthy of the Experiment.
Let’s go, let’s empower Canada to lead the World upward and forward.