Main menu:
1. Reconsidering the Trust:
This is the implementation of the virtually unanimous consensus formed subsequent to 2017 incorporation referendum. In a democracy government exists at the pleasure of the people and to this end we recommend an ad hoc Ideas Bank for the islanders to present, discuss and advance ideas and develop concepts for the renewal of the Island Trust. The process to culminate in an invitation to Islanders to sign a petition asking the Provincial Government to amend the Islands Trust Act accordingly.
2. The “Colonial Overseer”:
To end the catapulting into our midst someone to preside over our “Local” Government”, i.e. the SaltSpring Local Trust Committee. Commence by drafting an Application to the Government of BC asking to repeal Section 23 subsections (2), (3) and (4) of the Islands Trust Act so that SaltSpring Island may elect all three members of the LTC. Invite Islanders to sign a Petition to accompany the Application and submit all to the Government of BC.
3. The “Censorship bylaw”:
Rescind the 2013 Bylaw No.473 which unduly “empowers” Trustees and Staff to suppress criticism, evade accountability and stifle citizen dissent from the “Official Trust Truth”.
4. The Ideas Bank:
Institute a permanent Ideas Bank to serve as the mainstay of the Interface between the Trust and the populace.
5. End “Governance from the dungeon”:
Drag out from the virtual dungeon the meetings of the LTC, the ExCom and the Trust Council by instituting Internet Streaming (or its equivalent) of these meetings that Law decrees be held publically.
6. RAR – Riparian Areas Bylaw:
Instigate an audit of the SSI Riparian Areas Bylaw, its content and its performance.
7. Booth Canal:
Instigate an independent review of the Trust’s Booth Canal File and publish the findings c/w recommendations.